These devotions are based on the Spanish poet Antonio Machado’s poem “Walker.” Machado writes: “Walker, there is no road, the road is made by walking.”
Machado’s poem resonates because it feels as if there is no road in front of us. The soil of our well-worn Lenten path has been overturned by the pandemic. If we want to follow Christ this Lent, we’ll need to prepare the way and make the road. We’ll need to rethink and recreate our Lenten practices.
This six-week set of Lenten devotions includes daily reflections and prayers written by Outlook Editor Teri McDowell Ott. Each week we will make the road to Jerusalem through the following themes:
Walking through Lent
Walking in the wilderness
Walking in prayer
Walking with others
Walking in hope
Walking through Holy Week
Download the devotional here: Making the Road-2022