
Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 in person and on Zoom

Worship, January 5, 2025 – Rev. Sung Lee begins his new Sermon series “Back to Basics” with a message titled “Prayer”.

Watch archived lessons by visiting our Worship Page

The 2025 Stewardship Campaign has officially launched! This week, expect to receive a letter outlining this year’s CPC Stewardship Campaign and how you can partner with us in faith to support and expand the ministry of CPC. If you do not receive a letter, reach out to the office or grab one at the welcome table on Sunday morning. We are excited to see the incredible things God will accomplish through CPC in 2025 and beyond!

Also, for your reference, Per-Capita for 2025 is $50.15 per person.

Rev. Sung H. Lee

Rev. Sung Lee was born in Daejeon, South Korea, and is the youngest of three siblings. Raised in Tampa, Florida, Pastor Sung is a fourth-generation Presbyterian. He credits his parents for helping him have a deep faith in Jesus Christ and shaping his understanding of living faithfully in God’s grace.

With over three decades in ministry, Pastor Sung has enjoyed working with youth, adults, and families in the local church in Tampa, FL; Atlanta, GA; Jacksonville, FL; Philadelphia, PA; Bradenton, FL; and Northern Virginia. Pastor Sung has experienced God’s work through missions in China, Mexico, Europe, Canada, and the US and is currently serving as the Assistant Director for the New Wilmington Mission Conference, the longest-running Global Mission Conference in the world (120 years). Pastor Sung’s passion for ministry is to help others know God in Jesus Christ and have a deeper relationship with Him.

Pastor Sung is married to Hope Lee, Lead Pastor at Vienna Presbyterian, and they live in Reston with their three children. Pastor Sung enjoys traveling, spending time with his family, cooking, watching movies, and playing and listening to music. You’ll see him cheering for his University of Florida Gators, Tampa Bay Rays, three-time Stanley Cup champion Tampa Bay Lightning, and the 2-time Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Pastor Sung is excited about ministering with CPC and grateful for the journey that has brought him here.



2024-2025 PW/Horizon’s Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Study Group’s next meeting is Wednesday, January 8th, to work on lesson 5. We meet in the narthex at noon.

Please contact, Mary Ellen Absetz at meabsetz@verizon.net or phone at (703) 789-6691 and leave a message, I’ll return your call.


Mission and Outreach
 (Relationship Outside Church Community) 


Continue to look on the board for any updates. The following schedules seek your time.

Communion Preparers/Servers
Calling all 35+ elders and deacons. If everyone volunteers just once, we only need your service once in a long time. Sign up on the sheet on the volunteer board or contact Max Onga Nana at 703-802-1144 or onganana@hotmail.com to see what serving position and week is open. On the kitchenette bulletin board are instructions for each server (these may have changed since you last served/prepared). Signup on our online service is incomplete, so if you are not in the building, would you please contact Max. 

Providence Elementary School – Packing Lunch bags
PES continues to relay their appreciation of our support in this program with even an occasional
visit from the principal. The school will be back in session and bagged lunches will restart on Jan
10 with Bina, Leon, and Jim, assisting. Nancy, I, and my daughter, Stephanie, will also be there
setting up the tables with our hats, gloves, scarves and help the children make their choices.
Contact Lois Wenzell at lawenzell@gmail.com or 571-276-2209 for openings. 

Warm Hearts, Warm Hands – Donate Hats and Gloves for Children in Need
This Sunday, Jan 5, will be the last day we will be accepting donations.
Any questions can be directed to Nancy Jones or Lois Wenzell.

Food Insecurity | Western Fairfax Christian Ministries ...

CPC Food Pantry
Please continue to provide any of the items needed to help feed the client families of WFCM throughout the month.
But please, NO SODAs.

Most needed items in the Free Food Market this month:

  • Flour (Maseca preferred)
  • Sugar (1 or 2 lb. bags)
  • Vegetable Oil 
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Pasta
  • Cereal (low sugar preferred)
  • Pancake Mix 
  • Family Sized Snacks (crackers, pretzels) 
  • Canned Chicken 
  • Canned beans (white/black/red)
  • Canned fruit
  • Toiletries: bar soap, body wash, toothpaste, hair shampoo, toilet paper, and baby wipes (NOTE: we are not currently in need of diapers size 0-5 due to our partnership with Greater DC Diaper Bank. Please only donate larger size pull ups size 4T/5T for toddlers, size 6 diapers, or baby wipes if you want to donate items for babies.)

Organizations That CPC Supports

Ronald McDonald’s House – Aluminum pop top tabs (Ronald McDonald House on narthex table.)
Lion’s Club – Eyeglasses (Drop box on library shelf in narthex.)

Please contact these organizations directly.
 – Supports FFx communities with hot meals, per permanent supportive housing, food equity, hypothermia preventions & shelter, emergency pantries, and much more.
Shelter House – Supports the FFx County communities with hot meals, operates five shelter facilities and several housing programs to support our homeless neighbors. nfo@shelterhouse.org
Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax-Burke – Provides educational and enrichment programs for older adults in the community. Volunteers are needed to drive clients to various appointments or grocery shopping. Volunteers are needed in their Fairfax office also to take phone calls, add info to database for the drivers to select who and when they can assist.

Panel members are Elders Lois Wenzell and Nancy Jones.


Coffee in the Narthex

Thanks to Janet and Jay Lough, we again have coffee in the Narthex! Please join us at 10:00 a.m. and after the service for this wonderful fellowship.

Christ Presbyterian Church Mission Statement

God calls us to be a people who:
Live in the reconciling Spirit of Christ;
Joyfully praise God and grow together in faith and knowledge;
Care for one another in His Spirit;
Nurture each other through teaching, fellowship, and prayer;
Reach out into our community, witnessing for Jesus Christ,
and sharing His hope, faith and love.


Christ Presbyterian Church Statement on Racism

October 2, 2020

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) consists of two parts: The Book of Confessions and The Book of Order. Within The Book of Confessions is The Confession of 1967, Inclusive Language Text, Art. 9.44a, which states:

God has created the peoples of the earth to be one universal family. In his reconciling love, God overcomes the barriers between sisters and brothers and breaks down every form of discrimination based on racial or ethnic difference, real or imaginary. The church is called to bring all people to receive and uphold one another as persons in all relationships of life: in employment, housing, education, leisure, marriage, family, church, and the exercise of political rights. Therefore, the church labors for the abolition of all racial discrimination and ministers to those injured by it. Congregations, individuals, or groups of Christians who exclude, dominate, or patronize others, however subtly, resist the Spirit of God and bring contempt on the faith which they profess.

Similarly, the Mission Statement of the Presbytery states that we will “bear public witness to the love, truth, and justice of God in Jesus Christ specifically in the areas of racism and reconciliation.”

We, the community of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC) of Fairfax, VA, a diverse Christian congregation, condemn the systemic racism and related violence in the United States that has oppressed and taken the lives of so many of our human family. We condemn the persistent inequities in wealth, health, and opportunity between blacks, along with other peoples of color, and whites despite the economic prosperity of recent years. These disparities exist because of a long history of policies that have excluded and exploited Americans of color. Racial inequality has become so normalized in our society that it has become an expectation. This inequality could be considered a part of American culture. And when there are protests against this culture, some even consider it a protest against America. That’s the way it’s been for more than 400 years. It has gone on, unchecked, for far too long. It has to end!

“Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.“ James Baldwin

We, the CPC community, cannot be silent. We pledge to the greater community to listen with empathy, to learn with open minds, and to act with purpose. We value and encourage diversity, and are united in our opposition to racism and bigotry wherever they exist. We commit to acting with intent to achieve justice, equality, and inclusivity for all. We further commit to protecting the civil rights of all individuals, without regard to race or ethnicity. We stand in solidarity with those actively working to end racial injustice, systemic or otherwise, with a vision of building a better America and world in general.

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