Christ Presbyterian Church is delighted to have guests in worship. We hope that if you are looking for a church home, or just visiting the area, that you will join us for Sunday Worship.

9:00 AM Children’s Sunday School (through 6th Grade) with Opening Music Assembly – Children of all ages are welcome to start their Sunday by “Making a joyful noise unto the Lord,” and then attending an age- appropriate class.

9:15 AM Sunday School for Youth and Adults – We offer educational opportunities for those who are one to ninety nine.

10:30 AM Worship – Our 10:30 worship is a blended service which offers music, prayer and sermons that are geared at helping apply God’s Word in our lives. We celebrate communion on the first and third Sundays of the month. Communion is open to all.

What to expect:
Our services are often described as blended. Simply put, we seek to worship God in many ways and styles.  On a given Sunday you will find folks dressed in suits and jeans, singing traditional hymns and praise choruses.

Children are welcome in all of our services. We also have a space with tables and children’s activities that looks into the sanctuary. Children of families who prefer to sit there can enjoy more physical freedom than in the sanctuary, while older members can still participate in worship without having to worry about any perceived distraction.

We are located at:
12410 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway
Fairfax, Virginia 22033


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